In challenging economic times, racking up credit card debt can be all too easy. Owing money can bring on negative emotions, stress, and growing frustration.
Financial advisor Suze Orman warns that the key to fixing the problem comes with doing all you can to avoid more debt. She offers five sensible ways to get your finances back under control.
- Focus on a Plan, Not Blame or Shame
- Avoid Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) Schemes for Wants
- Rely on Debit Cards Instead of Credit Cards
- Always Pay More Than the Minimum Due
- Concentrate on Your Needs, Not Your Wants
These simple tips can go a long way toward straightening your financial picture if you have the discipline and determination to stick with them. She stresses the importance of using debit cards when you can and using credit cards only for a few recurring charges paid automatically.
You Worked Hard for Your Money
Extra income during retirement is more critical than ever. That’s why here at Council of Seniors, we’re working tirelessly to get Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. You need this bill to make up for inadequate Social Security cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) that didn’t keep up with inflation over a series of years. If it passes, eligible seniors will be reimbursed the amount of $581.
Please sign our petition and tell your friends and neighbors to help, too!
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