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As people age, they find their health needs begin to shift and they may need help managing various conditions. That’s why some health experts recommend different specialists to deal with health issues particular to seniors:

  • Geriatrician
  • Audiologist
  • Cardiologist
  • Urologist
  • Rheumatologist
  • Optometrist or Ophthalmologist
  • Pharmacist

A geriatrician is a doctor who specializes in caring for seniors and can manage overall health, much like a primary care physician. The senses change in aging so you should have an audiologist to focus on hearing while the optometrist and ophthalmologist take care of the eyes.

Care of the heart becomes more critical so a cardiologist is a must. Urinary issues can increase with age, so men and women should have a urologist. Aging joints can impact mobility, so it’s wise to have a rheumatologist who can also deal with autoimmune issues.

All these physicians may prescribe a range of medications. So, it’s helpful to have a pharmacist who can look out for possible drug interactions and find possible substitutes. 

Health Care Costs Keep Rising

We know you’re trying to deal with additional health costs like copays and deductibles. Here at Council of Seniors, we’re fully committed to getting Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. This bill is needed to improve the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) that hasn’t kept up with inflation. The amount of $581 was withheld from seniors, and it’s time for that money to be returned.

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