Ending a work career and entering retirement can prove to be a difficult adjustment for many people. For some, work provided a sense of purpose and identity.
To successfully manage retirement, it’s important to refocus on pastimes that will help fill that void. Experts advocate finding hobbies that keep you moving, thinking, socializing, and creating. Incorporating those aspects of living into retired life can keep you happier and healthier.
A recent survey of 1,000 retirees tried to identify the most popular hobbies for retirement. Those mentioned included some that people were already engaged in, but now they had more time to devote and further expand their participation in them.
Here are the dozen most popular hobbies:
- Online Learning
- Volunteering
- Joining a Book Club
- Walking & Hiking
- Photography
- Gardening
- Birding
- Studying a Foreign Language
- Writing
- Singing or Playing Music
- Painting & Drawing
- Bicycling
Retirement Should Be Enjoyable
Hobbies don’t always have to be expensive, but any extra income can help you enjoy them more. Here at Council of Seniors, we’re focused on getting Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. Because the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) hasn’t always kept up with inflation, we need this bill now more than ever. Its passage will get the missing $581 reimbursed to seniors.
Signing our petition is an important way you can help. We’ll greatly appreciate your support in helping to return this money to seniors.
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