Many of us know the sinking feeling you get toward a month’s end when you realize you’re running out of income. This is why it’s important to change your spending habits and ensure you stretch your dollars.
Financial experts recommend different ways to turn over a new leaf when it comes to budgeting and spending.
Step One is to keep track of every purchase. At the end of the month, look it over and get a real picture of where your money goes. Then, create a sound budget to plan your spending.
Have the right amount of money in your bank account to cover your monthly bills. Withdraw the rest in cash to handle variable spending instead of using plastic. As you set out to shop, make a list of what you need and stick to it.
Only bring the cash you need to get what you want. Avoid slick retail sales that talk about how much you’ll save. If you spend, you’re not saving. So, unsubscribe from those email lists that promote such “deals.”
Your Money Belongs to You
You’ll welcome extra income to pad your monthly budget. At Council of Seniors, we’re urging Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. This bill is needed to make up for the full Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) you were denied over a series of years. If we can get the bill passed, $581 will be returned to seniors.
Take time right now to sign our petition. By stepping up, you’ll help us show Congress how many people support this bill.
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