When people think of retiring, they likely don’t consider a cruise ship as an alternative to a retirement community. However, more people are finding cruise ships a viable possibility. And with the increasing popularity of world cruises, the options are truly endless these days.
According to Goodwin Investment Advisory, cruising can provide an affordable way to retire and fulfill travel dreams. A ship provides many of the basic amenities: lodging, dining, scheduled activities, and entertainment for a maintenance-free lifestyle while traveling to exciting places.
What about costs? A retirement facility can run from $3,500 to $10,000 a month, with an average of $3,700. A standard room on a cruise ship runs about $3,000 monthly.
When exploring the possibilities, keep in mind cruise lines offer 6-month and annual leases for people looking for a retirement alternative. Some may have deals on rooms that are harder to fill. You can book for 6 months at a time to find out if a cruise retirement is right for you.
Your Retirement Should be on Your Terms
Here at Council of Seniors, we’re fully dedicated to getting Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. We need this bill to make up for inadequate Social Security cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) approved in recent years. You could be reimbursed the missing $581 if we’re successful in getting this new law passed.
Signing our petition right now is the best way to show your support.
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