In tough financial times, people may rely too much on credit cards to cover essential bills. If you’re piling up more debt that’s becoming too hard to manage, be on the lookout for debt relief scams that will make life more difficult. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warns about crooks approaching people to help them get out of debt.
If their program sounds too good to be true, that’s the first warning sign. Next, avoid anyone who asks for payment of fees up front before any work is done to reduce your debt. Never share personal and financial information with an unsolicited caller. If the scammer tries to convince you there’s a “new government program” that provides help, it’s not legitimate.
Your Money Should Be Protected in Retirement
You’re entitled to all of the funds you were promised in retirement. Here at Council of Seniors, we’re convinced Congress must pass The SAVE Benefits Act. The annual Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) has been inadequate in recent years. If the Act passes, eligible seniors will be reimbursed in the amount of $581.
Please sign our petition today to show your support for this important bill!
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