Studies show maintaining a consistent social network plays a key role in seniors’ quality of life. A good foundation is your family because friends can come and go. Among the benefits of family ties are living a longer life, having a stronger immune system, and maintaining mental health.
Families offer a support system that benefits all ages. Parents take care of their children, and in a classic example of role reversal, those children grow up to take care of parents as they age. Of course, the support provided can be both financial and emotional.
As seniors age, they may find it difficult to make new friends. The hard truth is that friends may pass away or move away to senior communities and facilities. Those still living in their homes will have to make an effort to meet people and form new relationships.
Family will always provide a strong base for relationships. It’s easier to stay in touch via email, texting, social media, or video platforms like Skype and FaceTime.
Extra Benefits Are Crucial, Too
Seeing family members is easier with additional income, particularly if you need to travel to see them. That’s why here at Council of Seniors, we’re working tirelessly to get Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. Seniors need this bill to make up for insufficient Social Security cost of living adjustments (COLAs) from recent years, and to be reimbursed the $581 that was withheld.
Sign our petition right away. Let’s work together to show Congress the growing support for this bill. You can make a difference in returning this money to seniors.
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