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Doctors tell us about the importance of sleep for all ages. It’s critical for physical and mental well-being, but especially important for older adults. Geriatric specialists at the Yale School of Medicine offer specific tips for seniors to eliminate problems and get the sleep needed to feel their best. A good night’s sleep is essential to keep seniors physically fit and mentally alert.

Here are five ways seniors can create a better sleep routine:

  1. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
  2. Stay active in the daytime, even when tired.
  3. Keep naps to a minimum, no more than 30 minutes.
  4. Minimize or avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.
  5. Try supplements if you like but avoid medications.

Of all these tips, establishing a set sleep routine is the most important. If you have sleep issues, don’t sit around and avoid being active. That only makes things worse. The human body has what’s called a homeostatic sleep drive that builds up during the day and creates pressure to make you want to sleep. So, don’t nap too much. Let that sleep drive build up before bedtime.

Council of Seniors Works to Improve Social Security

Here at Council of Seniors, we’re dedicated to getting Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. You need this bill because the annual Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) hasn’t kept up with inflation over a series of years. If it passes, seniors will be reimbursed the $581 that’s been missing from their benefit all along.

Please sign our petition and tell others to help too! You can make a real difference in returning this money to seniors.

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