Have you heard of The SAVE Benefits Act?
This legislation, if passed into law by Congress, issues retirees a $581 check to make up for all the years in which cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) were disgracefully low.
It’s all right here in the text of the bill:
This bill directs the Department of the Treasury to disburse a payment equal to 3.9% ($581) of the average amount of annual benefits to individuals who are entitled to a specified benefit under title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act.
The legislation couldn’t be any more clear. Retirees deserve a $581 check. That was their COLA money. It was denied to them.
It’s time to make things right.
But Council of Seniors needs the support of citizens from across the nation to have any chance of getting this done.
Please, sign our petition urging Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act which will issue retirees a $581 check.
And we hope you will share this petition with as many people as possible. We need to add all the names possible to waves in Washington and have our voices heard.
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