There are a few things about retirement that many Americans find confusing. A survey by Schwab Workplace Financial Services has identified five areas people find the most concerning.
- How Much Will They Need to Save
- What are the Smartest investments
- What’s the Best Timing for Retirement
- How to Generate a Reliable Income Stream
- What Expenses Will Occur in Retirement
Of course, there are no easy answers. They can differ from one person to another. Trying to anticipate what the economic landscape will look like in your retirement years can be intimidating.
Your health will play a big factor in your future expenses so you should take care of yourself to avoid problems down the line. The more you prepare now, the better.
Retirement Should be a Stress-Free Time
Here at Council of Seniors, we’re working hard to get Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act so seniors will have more retirement income. This bill is necessary because the annual Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) withheld $581 from seniors over the years. It’s high time for that money to be returned, and the passage of this bill will make that happen.
Sign our petition right away to help us get this money returned to seniors!
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