When it comes to deciding on how to spend your retirement, there are many factors to ponder.
There’s much to consider in terms of location, possible new careers, a return to the educational world, or getting more out of just being at home.
U.S. News & World Report explores the many options and discusses 10 possible retirement ways of life to consider:
- Beach
- Golf Course
- Back to School
- Stay at Home
- Volunteer
- Second Career
- Entrepreneur
- Penny Pincher
- Dreamer
- Gardener
Of course, financial concerns may play a role in your decision-making as to what’s realistic.
After the stress of working for many years, people may opt for a blend of leisure and re-engaging in new ventures. The good news is the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
Council of Seniors Wants Retirement to be Easier
Here at Council of Seniors, we’re working hard to get Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. to secure and strengthen your benefits. This bill will make up for all too meager Social Security cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) paid out over a series of years. If we’re successful, eligible seniors will be reimbursed the $581 that was withheld.
Take time right now to sign our petition. Washington politicians need to wake up about how many people support this bill. Your support can make a big difference.
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