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As seniors near the time when they can file to claim Social Security benefits, they should be aware of possible pitfalls that might affect their spouse’s claim.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has many rules regarding how to claim benefits.

Your benefits are based on your income for the 35 highest-earning years of your working life.  For your spouse to get benefits from your claim, it’s not necessary for him or her to have worked. By waiting until you reach your FRA to file, your spouse may be eligible to get up to half of your monthly benefit.

If your spouse did work, it may be better for them to claim their benefits first, When you file, the SSA will determine if your spouse will get more by claiming the spousal benefit and will adjust their payment once you’ve made your claim.

The rules are complex, so you always can reach out to the SSA or visit a local office if there’s one nearby to get clarification on what’s the best course to follow.

Council of Seniors Wants to Maximize Your Benefits

Here at Council of Seniors, we understand how much Social Security means to seniors.  That’s why we’re working hard to get Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act. The Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) doesn’t always keep up with inflation. This has led to $581 being withheld from seniors’ checks. We need this bill to return this money to eligible seniors.

Sign our petition right away to join the growing number of Americans who want to give Congress a wake-up call to act now.

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