Even those who plan for retirement carefully can make mistakes that come back to haunt them. According to The Motley Fool, retirees may have three common regrets about their retirement.
First, they might regret not saving enough before retirement. For a comfortable retirement savings, you should plan on having 10 times your final annual salary invested in a retirement savings plan in addition to the Social Security income that comes in.
Second, some retirees find themselves with too much time on their hands, and they regret not having a better plan in place for how to pass the days. They wind up bored and needing something to do. It might be a good idea to secure a part-time job or volunteer position beforehand.
The third main regret could be not planning enough for future healthcare costs. Medicare is not as comprehensive as you might like. Get informed about health savings accounts (HSAs) and check out available Medigap or Medicare Advantage plans.
Council of Seniors Needs Your Help to Protect Benefits
In pressing economic times, stronger retirement finances are critical. That’s why Council of Seniors is committed to getting Congress to approve The SAVE Benefits Act. This bill is needed to make up for the Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) not received over a number of years. Once passed, seniors will be reimbursed $581, which is money they should’ve been sent a long time ago.
If you could sign our petition, together we’ll show politicians in Washington how many people support this bill. Your support is much appreciated.
Do you have any regrets about your retirement planning? Leave us a comment and let us know.
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