Seniors Who Exercise Reap 5 Main Benefits
There are 5 reasons why experts say it's beneficial for senior citizens to maintain a regular exercise regime.
Is Another Record-High COLA Possible for 2023?
While the 2022 COLA increase was significant, analysts are predicting that inflation could make for an even higher COLA in 2023.
Wondering Where to Go on Vacation? Check Out These Ideal Spots for Seniors
If you're looking for an ideal spot for your vacation, the AARP listed 10 places that are perfect for seniors.
Having a Tough Time with Inflation? These Resources Can Help
For seniors who are having a tough time coping with inflation, there are federal resources that could potentially help.
Tai Chi Is a Welcome Addition to Seniors’ Exercise Routines
Tai Chi can help seniors with muscle development, meditation, balance, and even helping to prevent falls as part of an exercise routine.
Could the Social Security Retirement Age Possibly be Raised?
There's a chance that the Social Security retirement age could be raised by a couple of years at some point in the near future.
Love Playing Pickleball? You Might Want to be Careful
Across the US, more retirees are playing pickleball. The game is also leading to a rise in injuries among senior citizens.
How the Social Security COLA Is Determined
How is the annual Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) determined? There are guidelines in place to calculate it.
Homelessness is Becoming a Growing Problem for Older Adults
Given a high cost of living and rising inflation, homeless shelters are reporting an uptick in older adults who have nowhere to go.
Look for These Great Senior Discounts in 2022
As a senior citizen, there are plenty of great discounts in 2022 that you should aim to take advantage of. Save on groceries, leisure activities, and more.