It’s so hard to believe that we’re in the final days of 2022! Although the holiday season always seems to arrive faster than expected, this year it sprung up even quicker Perhaps that’s because of the fact that we’re finally out of the depths of the pandemic and life has returned to a more normal state.
We’ve covered a variety of subjects this year at Council of Seniors, from legislative updates to travel, to retirement lifestyle trends and inflation. In case you missed them, here are some of our most popular posts from 2022:
Top Cities Where Americans Are Retiring
Money-Saving Tips All Retirees Should Follow
Changes Could Be Coming to Social Security in 2023
How the Social Security COLA Is Determined
The Top Senior Travel Destinations in 2022
‘Side Hustles’ That Retirees Can Try to Earn Extra Income
10 Facts About Social Security You Might Not Know
Seniors Point Out 4 Key Things That Make a Happy Retirement
Getting Older Actually Comes with Its Fair Share of Financial Perks
Best (And Worst) States for Healthcare During Retirement
We Want 2023 to be a Better Year
Here at Council of Seniors, we can’t ignore the fact that plenty of seniors are banking on Social Security to be their main source of retirement income.
We’ve made it our mission to urge Congress to pass The SAVE Benefits Act, which will reimburse insufficient Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) over the years — amounting to $581. While returning the money is the right thing to do for many reasons, the fact that this is money that people have already paid into the Social Security fund is what’s truly important here.
If you could support us and sign our petition, we’d greatly appreciate it.
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